Our website (k2track) is not affiliated with Purolator. Please be advised that Purolator - tracking service has just been added to our service, and we haven't enough time to collect a lot of information about popular questions. At the moment all results are being represented without our correction. You can ask any question about it; we will find an answer to it. We will make a FAQ in the short time.

Purolator official customer service

Customer support contact no: 1 888 744 71 23
Purolator website www.purolator.com

Purolator tracking supports the following number formats:

Purolator tracking numbers look like a 12-digits combination. They can start like 3305, 6039, start with 1 or 2 if using a manual shipping label. If coming from a company with a national account with Purolator they can start with three letters followed by all numbers.

Purolator. The Biggest Post Corporation in Canada

Being the client of Purolator Company, you will for sure start to search for the best Purolator tracking service. If that’s the case, then welcome to k2track – the best Purolator courier tracking service, that allows you to monitor each stage of your parcel delivery, using a unique Purolator tracking number.

About Purolator

Purolator is a Canadian company, regarded as the best logistics solutions provider. Besides, more than 90 % of the company is owned by the Post Corporation of Canada. In Canada, this particular company is regarded as the biggest one, as the company owns the largest logistics and transportation networks in the country, and offers both local and international services. Besides, it allows clients to control their best-in-class services, using Purolator Express Tracking service.

The company understands the hectic pace of life of modern Сanadians. That is why the company’s services are focused mainly on urban centers. The corporation is always ready to meet all the requirements of the customers. They have an entirely new approach to the customer service, where responsibility and flexibility are the main hallmarks. The introduction of Purolator shipment tracking service proves the fact that the carrier cares about their customers.

The Purolator Company Values

The company follows some corporate values that focus on providing clients with excellent regional and international courier services.
These values are:

· Customers First. Correctly chosen staff and healthy workplaces are half the battle of providing their clients with perfect services.
· Consumer Focus.
· Transparency of Services. The company is open to the clients, suppliers and employees. Purolator tracking service proves the fact that the company provides clients with the exact information about the process of delivery.
· Performance Excellence. Collaborative work, aligned goals allow them to achieve amazing results in their work.

If you are one of the clients of this reliable courier company and seek the way to track your package online, Welcome to our portal. Just fill in the field above with your Purolator tracking number and see the detailed report about your item.

Dear Users! Before asking a question, please read FAQ, our words to you and other useful information. Maybe you'll find your answer there. If you don't find it - write us, we are answering to every person!

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